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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The crazy Chiropractor

A few months after GI doc #1 I was still having quite a few problems. After talking with my Celiac friend I decided to go see her doctor, who was actually a chiropractor that did muscle testing.

As a side note, muscle testing is probably one of the weirdest things I've done so far. The patient lays down on a table and holds one arm vertical. The practitioner then holds a vial of whatever substance they are testing (gluten, corn, vegetables, etc.) over the patient's body and the pulls the patient's arm down. The patient is supposed to resist the pulling, and based on how well they resist the practitioner can tell what foods are bad for them and which ones they can tolerate. Also, the patient is not consciously aware of what is in the vial until afterward, which is key to the testing. I told you, it's weird. I've never had so many vials involved in my health care until I started looking more into alternative medicine.

I went for my initial appointment and after the muscle testing was told that I am intolerant to gluten, corn, dairy, and MSG. He also told me that MSG is found in everyday foods like broccoli. The weirdest part about the testing was that when he held the "bad" things over me, I couldn't resist his pushing on my arm, even if he tried twice. After the muscle testing he then put me on a very intense full body cleanse.

If you aren't familiar with cleanses, their purpose is to rid the body of toxins that build up in the body through environmental exposure. You can be exposed either by inhaling, ingesting, or absorbing these toxins through the skin. Now our bodies are designed to be able to filter out these toxins all the time, and they shouldn't build up. Of course build ups do still happen occasionally, like with heavy metal toxicity; but these types of things aren't common unless you are exposed to extremely high amounts (such as eating fish every day, or having high levels in your home). Although I do occasionally do cleanses, I'm not convinced of their necessity or validity.

Next time: The cleanse

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